Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Time for a vacation!

Well it is time for our first little vacation of the summer. We dont do big trips, and this is no exception. The kids and I are heading down to Tucson for four days to visit with family, swim, eat amazing food, and explore the Sonoran Desert. My dh and I met and were married in Tucson, we both attended the University of Arizona, and I lived there for 10-11 years or so. So it is a return to home for me. I guess I have a few of those, California (born there, and lived there off and on through the years) Maryland (about 14 years or so) Tucson (about 11 years), Virginia (9 years) and now New Mexico. LOL

Anyway, we are heading down to see my Mom, brother and Step-Father-ish (long story). I have a ton of stuff to do today to prepare for the drive and mostly to prepare the house before I go. My dh will be here, but he wont tend the plants and animals the way I do so I want to set it all up so it is easy for him to do, and so I dont come home to a dead garden. Darn I wish I had gotten that driptape!!! I also want to come home to a clean house, so in order for that to happen I need to leave it a bit cleaner than I hope it will be when I get home. We have lessons next week so I want to come home and not have a ton of work to do on Sunday night to prepare for Monday. We'll see!

So today I need to...
  • Prepare the Garden
  • Get a larger feed thing for the chickens and another water thing
  • Get a mouse for the snake, and crickets for the frog (who isnt looking so good)
  • Put the terra-cotta pot plants in a tub of water so they can stay alive
  • Type up instructions for dh for the garden, plants and animals while we are gone
  • Clean the house
  • Load the car so I can reach everything the kids may need while driving
  • Update my iPod
  • Grandma's for dinner
  • Coop for road trip snacks and breakfast yummies
  • Fill the truck with gas

So Im a busy bee today, blissful maybe, but busy for sure!!!

Did I mention it will be about 104 degrees in Tucson? At least now Im a big girl who has a car with AC!!! That is satifying in returning to the desert!!


Sara said...

What a small world! I spent my formative years in Tucson... school, college, marriage, the whole bit. We love the Sonoran desert. Have a great trip!

Mand said...

I have just found you blog through Mothering re Enki. Really enjoying reading it, hope you have a lovely vacation xx

Blissfulbee said...

Thanks guys! We had a great time! I even found time to drive by a few houses I lived in there. I moved a LOT when I first moved away from family. the campus looks amazing and the town has invested soooo much in beautification, it is just amazing to see how it has changed. I love it there. I feel so at home.

Sara, when did you go to the UofA and what did you study?? Anthropology and African Art for me from 93-96

Sara said...

Oh, I went from 90-92, liberal arts. It seems like ages ago. I still have family in town, so we go back periodically too. It's the drive between Tucson and Phoenix that gets me. I wonder how long it will be before they really seem connected.

Blissfulbee said...

I was at Pima during that time! LOL Did you go to high school out there too?

I went to CDO for the second half of tenth grade and then I dropped out of high school and went to Pima instead.

Sara said...

Funny, I went to UHS and Palo Verde. What a smart thing to do, dropping out and getting on with life! I wouldn't relive those high school years for anything. ;-)

Sara said...

Funny, I went to UHS and Palo Verde. What a smart thing to do, dropping out and getting on with life! I wouldn't relive those high school years for anything. ;-)