Well, I had tried to make entries for each day of the week, and you can see how unsuccessful that was. So I thought I would do a weekly recap instead.
So on Monday...
- bosque hike to find tadpoles
- science class at museum
- jazz ensemble
- math homework for G1
- Plant cell diagram G1
- Spanish vocab work at G1
- International Harry Potter cover activity G2
- Make your own cover for HP book G2
- Math G2
- Frog LifeCycle mobil with M
- Housework for Mom
- Fencing
- Jazz Ensemble
- dinner with FIL and BIL
- Lessons at home
- Math class
- Library for lessons for G2 and M
- Using a Thesaurus to expand vocab and writing tools for G2
- Math lessons 9-11 for G2
- Phonics lessons 6-12 for M
- Library time to check out books
- Great Grandma's for family dinner
- Health with G1 (Body in Numbers)
- Reading for G2
- Free-play for M
- drumming lesson for G1 and G2
- fencing
- Hiking with RGRS to monitor 45 trees we planted last spring
- housework
- cooking with Maggie (pot of beans)
- rock climbing
- fencing
Then today we have...
- Balloon Fiesta Watching
- Pre-historic Preschool for M
- Naturalist Center Volunteering for G1 & G2
- Armory clinic for G1 and Dad
- Greek Festival in the Afternoon
- HOME!!!!
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